The marriage of digital and traditional

Now that the dust has settled after my parents’ party and we are about halfway through the parties the kids have been invited to, I’ve had a chance to start on the physical scrapbook for my parents.  Having put so many hours into the digital slideshow, I’m not about to let that go to waste.  Yes, I will transfer it onto DVD to share with my folks and siblings but I’ve also printed off several of the digital pages and am using them in the scrapbook.

I’ve shown you a hybrid card now here are some hybrid scrapbook pages.  Like what you see?  Let me know.

Family pg hybrid

 I love the way Versamark ink creates such a gentle look.

Family pg versamark  See what a few lovely flowers can do.

P1050669 Don’t tell Shelli but that’s not SU! ribbon.

Mom & DadNow that’s SU! ribbon with the Versamark ink again.

12 and counting? 12 and counting? closer

What’s an 50th anniversary without mentioning the grandkids?

Now this next one isn’t a hybrid and it cracks me up!  No, there is nothing funny about the invitation to the celebration for Mom and Dad’s 50th or about the layout.  What is funny is that my eldest sister created a memory book for our parents and her first page is EXACTLY the same as mine!  Great minds, fools, whatever – you decide.  So you ask, why are you making a scrapbook if your sister has made a memory book?  They are two totally different animals.  Mine is being created with pictures and hers with words.

For years now, my Dad has declared that we are to buy no gifts for him for any occasion and instead requests that we write down a memory of a special event or even an ordinary day that has stuck with us through the years.  He has a binder (or perhaps it’s two by now)  in which he puts all of these ruminations.  For the big day, each of us – including our kids and most of the spouses – wrote a special something to be included in the memory book.  Doreen took these pages and whipped up her magic in the form of 12×12 patterned papers with embellishments and created a masterpiece.  This was the perfect gift for the event and Mom and Dad loved it!

P1050667It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

~Rita Rudner