
Just realized that I haven’t posted in almost a year! Clearly my time is going by very quickly. Can’t say that I’ve accomplished anything major in the past year or even created any cards/scrap pages worth posting. Guess I should clean my craft area and get back to it.

In the meantime, here are 3 freebies for you.




I hope you can make good use of them!

It takes a long time to bring the past up to the present.

Long time no post

Hi all,

It’s been ages since I’ve posted…not much to say I guess. Anyhoo, I was going through my uploaded photos and found a few that weren’t attached to any posts so I thought I’d show you a couple. Never mind that the wedding card I’m posting was made so long ago that the bride and groom have a bouncing baby boy already! I used the bride’s chosen colours for this.




So here they are after over 1 and a half years!

Hey, if you are into digital scrapbooking and would love a free kit go to Design House Digital for their great blog hop and collect the coupon code letters on the way to download a beautiful kit for FREE!

Now I must go, see you in a few days, weeks or months, I can’t really say!

“I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives

as much as if we  had never married at all.”
Lord Byron

Blog Hopping Along and tidying up

Hopping along and practicing some cools new techniques/challenges I'm learning from DHD for my digital scrapbooking.

If you think the H is cool, check out Daily Drop Cap for loads of cool drop caps to add to your  blog posts or digital scrapbooking!

I know I been absent for eons now, but as I have given up my SU demonstrator status, I've had a bit of a break from crafting.  My craft area is finally organized how I like and I've even pared down on some supplies (gasp!) so I can get back to the inks and papers soon.

I will soon be selling some older stamp sets and have loads of older SU catalogues to give away.  If any SU demo out there would like SU bags and a few other demo supplies, drop me a line.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

George Bernard Shaw

It’s digital, Marnie!

Hey, Marnie – this is for you!  Probably not what you expected from me in terms of the photos used.  It’s way out of my comfort zone for digital scrapping but isn’t life about pushing limits??  Something about the graffiti grabbed me and I had to scrap it.  Sadly, I think only one or two elements on this page are Stampin’ Up products – but then, I don’t buy any digital stuff except SU – the rest I get for free from some amazing sites.


Like what you see?  Let me know!

“gray hair is gods graffiti”
Bill Cosby

Contest entries

Hi all,

I’ve been a bad girl and haven’t posting in eons!  But as the snow gently drifts down, I’m suddenly feeling the need to post.

A while ago Stampin’ Up held an amazing contest for both demonstrators and customers alike.  The challenge was to use only My Digital Studio and SU downloads in order to create 2 scrapbook pages and a card.  I decided it was time to actual submit something.  well, I didn’t win but that’s okay.  I set a goal and achieved it and have some great work to show for it – if I may say so myself.    Now that the winners are chosen, I can go ahead and show you all what I made.

The first one is of K’s feet, well not her feet, but the cool shoes she picked out to wear when she started preschool this year.  We were down in Oregon and she was so excited about her sisters’ getting back-to-school shoes that she decided to find some for herself.  Turns out she has pretty good taste in shoes.

My second entry was designed around the colours and patterns of K’s purplish flowered pants.  We were at Fort Langley and I couldn’t tear the girls away from the adventure playground.

I didn’t have to do a card – the contest was quite flexible but I thought I’d push myself and submit the maximum.  So at the last-minute, almost literally, I threw a Christmas card together.  This evening, with the snow, can you pretend it’s still Christmastime when you look at it??

So that’s what I did!  If you like what you see, let me know.  I’m going to try to be a good girl and post more.  One of my girls has already told me that I’m on the naughty list for next year, so I have a lot to do to redeem myself before next Christmas!



Art has never been a popularity contest.
James Levine

Here a chick, there a chick

So what did you do for the last long weekend of the summer?  We went away in our RV.  The site was gorgeous – well treed, overlooking a pond, electric hook up and water when needed – all for the low, low price of NOTHING!

One of  my many sisters recently moved to the other side of the world, also known as Ryder Lake, just outside of Chilliwack.  As we hadn’t seen her place and felt it was too long a drive  just to drop in, we planned a trip.

Little did we know that the neighbours are just a few metres away and that they have livestock.  Two cows simply called Meat (they are not long for this world), 34 laying chickens and several dozen chicks.  The fluffy little ones arrived not long before we did.  The future is not bright for these chicks but such is the world and the food chain.  The girls were okay with the truth as we are not vegetarians and they have understood for a long time that they’ve been eating animals.  Regardless of your opinions on our food choices, you still might enjoy the digital scrapping I did of our weekend.

When we arrived home, K informed me that our house was boring!  Too bad we only have a dog, a cat and a fish tank to entertain them.  BTW, anyone have any eggs recipes?  We arrived home with 30 fresh eggs straight from the chickens’ butts.

Q. Why Did The Chicken Cross The Playground?
A. To Get To The Other Slide.

The marriage of digital and traditional

Now that the dust has settled after my parents’ party and we are about halfway through the parties the kids have been invited to, I’ve had a chance to start on the physical scrapbook for my parents.  Having put so many hours into the digital slideshow, I’m not about to let that go to waste.  Yes, I will transfer it onto DVD to share with my folks and siblings but I’ve also printed off several of the digital pages and am using them in the scrapbook.

I’ve shown you a hybrid card now here are some hybrid scrapbook pages.  Like what you see?  Let me know.

Family pg hybrid

 I love the way Versamark ink creates such a gentle look.

Family pg versamark  See what a few lovely flowers can do.

P1050669 Don’t tell Shelli but that’s not SU! ribbon.

Mom & DadNow that’s SU! ribbon with the Versamark ink again.

12 and counting? 12 and counting? closer

What’s an 50th anniversary without mentioning the grandkids?

Now this next one isn’t a hybrid and it cracks me up!  No, there is nothing funny about the invitation to the celebration for Mom and Dad’s 50th or about the layout.  What is funny is that my eldest sister created a memory book for our parents and her first page is EXACTLY the same as mine!  Great minds, fools, whatever – you decide.  So you ask, why are you making a scrapbook if your sister has made a memory book?  They are two totally different animals.  Mine is being created with pictures and hers with words.

For years now, my Dad has declared that we are to buy no gifts for him for any occasion and instead requests that we write down a memory of a special event or even an ordinary day that has stuck with us through the years.  He has a binder (or perhaps it’s two by now)  in which he puts all of these ruminations.  For the big day, each of us – including our kids and most of the spouses – wrote a special something to be included in the memory book.  Doreen took these pages and whipped up her magic in the form of 12×12 patterned papers with embellishments and created a masterpiece.  This was the perfect gift for the event and Mom and Dad loved it!

P1050667It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.

~Rita Rudner

50 years and counting

Friday night my siblings and I hosted a party at my brother’s place in honour of our parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.  Tents were put up in the backyard, complete with white twinkle lights, tables and chairs.  The caterers produced a fabulous feast and one sister ordered a gorgeous cake from the Bon Bon Bakery.  Another sister put together an amazing book of memories that most members of the family had written for the occasion.

I spent quite a while putting together a slideshow of their wedding photos and pictures from the following 50 years – including many of us kids as we grew.  I’m just putting a few on here as there were almost 120 pages in the slideshow!

Enjoy, and if you like what you see, let me know!!







That’s all for now, but I’ll share more another time.

Dog days

I know that all of my posts with MDS so far have featured my kids but I really do scrap other things.  I’ve done several traditional paper scrap pages of our dog and our cats and have been working on a few MDS pages of Echo, our border collie.

With this page, I simply added my text box and used a font I’d downloaded for free called Watermelon Seeds.  I plunked in my photo and that was it!  A complete page in about 2 minutes.  What took the longest was deciding what font to use as I’ve downloaded quite few cool ones.

Next I proudly display my two big kids holding an Olympic torch.  This fellow ran the relay in Alberta and came to N. Delta to visit his great-nephew and great-nieces at the school.  Every kid at the school had a picture taken with him.  I love the joy on H’s face!

Heather Olympic flame

I know the pics are tiny but I’m working on the laptop and had to copy and paste them from my Facebook photos.  North Delta also gave the kids a great keepsake.  Each kid received a pair of gloves.  One red hand, one white hand with the date of the torch relay on them.  They say: Light the Spirit of Delta.  The littlest one isn’t in school yet so I’m giving her the red Host City scarf that all City of Vancouver employees were given.  That way they all have a keepsake.  The Scottish side of me is thrilled that I paid NOTHING for their Olympic souvenirs!!

My first post of 2010

Last year I created my calendar and purchased it online before SU had introduced My Digital Studio.  But this year I’m making my own here at home using My Digital Studio.  As my last calendar runs ’til the end of March I’m in no rush.  Like all projects from SU, you can change the order of the pages so my calendar can start with whatever month I pick.

I’ve been playing around with grouping my embellishments, making my background papers more opaque and still loving that I can use any font that is on my computer.

Don’t tell on me to Shelley, but I’ve even made a few pages using non-SU digital freebies I’ve downloaded from various sites.  It’s such an addiction.